Friday, March 20, 2009

Sowin' Seeds and Sunshine

My dad always has a beautiful garden. He has for as long as I can remember. I love that my dad is a gardener. My grandparents always were too--until they got to where they weren't physically able to put in all the hard work a garden requires. Now that Daddy is retired, he is able to devote more time to his garden and has even planted potatoes at Grandma and Grandpa's house in addition to his own garden.

This year, my dad decided to till a small spot of soil for the grandkids to plant their own garden. Cason, Cali, and Kenli stayed with Gigi and Papa yesterday and got to plant their rows. Em and I went out today, and she got to plant hers. She planted beans, radishes, pumpkins, and carrots. She was very cute squatting beside my dad and dropping her seeds into place.

Then she got to help in the big garden! Dad tilled two rows, Em following right beside him until we realized she was walking in a row of tomato plants! She had a really good time, and I'm so glad that my dad is teaching her about gardening and sowing more than just vegetable seeds in her life. I'm thankful that my parents sowed seeds in my life too--seeds of time, love, faith, I could go on and on. I love you Mom and Dad!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Compassion International

Bryan and I used to sponsor a child from Rwanda through Compassion International. We couldn't pronounce his name, so we just called him Tim. We inherited him when the children's department and then the youth department at the church where we were ministering decided they could no longer pay the $21 each month to continue supporting him. There came a time when we were both in college and working multiple part-time jobs that we too had to discontinue our support of Tim.

Whenever I read about Compassion projects, I think of little Tim and wonder how he is now. I wonder about his family and the project there in Rwanda. I know this region of Africa has seen some extremely violent times, and I wonder if he is even alive.

I've written before about my friend Cindy and her daughter Jenn. Cindy is a precious woman of God who has such a heart for service. She and her husband have three sons and two daughters who also actively serve the Lord. Her son Chris pastors Ecclesia, and her son Brian actually works for Compassion International and recently adopted two children from Ethiopia. Her son Rob is a Christian recording artist--a.k.a Robbie Seay Band. Their two daughters are Jenn and Jess.

I say all of that to say, take a look at Jenn's blog. She and some friends are organizing an event in College Station that I think is really neat. She introduces it here, and she tells more about it here. I know some of you that read this are runners, so here's your chance to put that "talent" to work for something good. Maybe some of us need to get together to do the walk. Let me know what you think!