Saturday, August 2, 2008

Learning To Delight

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

Some years ago, God used this scripture to do some amazing things in my life. My husband Bryan and I greatly desired to have a baby, but after two surgeries, months of Clomid, and two failed IUIs, we were once again faced with the question, "What next?"

My greatest desire was not just to be a mom, but also to experience pregnancy and childbirth. In the midst of sorrow, heartache, and a deep, dark depression, God gave me this scripture and I began meditating on it daily. I began praying, "God, show me what it means to delight myself in You." Over the course of many months, He showed me that to delight myself in Him meant to give Him my all; to love Him with all my heart, my soul, my mind, and my strength; to seek Him daily; to desire nothing more than His plan for my life. When I began doing this, God's plan and my desires were aligned perfectly. God plainly showed us that adoption was the way He wanted us to become parents. After only a few months of waiting, God blessed us with a beautiful baby girl! What an answer to our prayers!

I find myself, at this point in my life though, needing a reminder from God about delighting myself. I'm busy being a wife, mother, daughter, sister, granddaughter, and teacher. My time is consumed with things far from the things God showed me meant "delighting." So my prayer is that this blog not only allows me to share my life experiences with others, but that it will help me to remember to give Him my all!


Anonymous said...

You are also busy at being a friend! Love, Your Friend, Sherrill

Anonymous said...

You are not only a wonderful teacher, but a wonderful person. Cassie was so blessed for being in your class for both 3rd & 4th grades. We appreciate the christian values and the self-esteem you instilled in each child. May God bless you again soon with another beautiful child, as you and Bryan are wonderful parents, and a child would truly be blessed to have you for parents.
In Christian Love,
Diann Haynes (Cassie's grandmother)

Anonymous said...

I thank God that I have you as a friend!!! You and your family have made such a positive impact in my life. Now, I think I'm going to cry. Thank you for your friendship sweet Hailey.
Your friend,

Cathy Hengst Photography said...

What a powerful scripture that we could all meditate on. And what a beautiful little blessing you have! Good luck on your next adoption :-)

Oh I found your blog through Nicholes.

Hayley said...

Thanks for looking Cathy! I've looked at your blog too--through Nichole's! I love your work! I like to take pictures, but I'm not nearly as good as I'd like to be!